Access To Products

Where can I find the training portal?

You can access our secure training portal here:

I've lost/forgot my password, how can I reset it?

You can reset your password by completing the following proceedure: 1. Go to 2. Click on the green 'ACCESS NOW' button for whichever product you have purchased. This will present a login screen. 3. On the login window, click on the 'Forgot my password' in the lower right hand corner of the screen. 4. Enter the email address your account is registered with us into the 'Forgot my Password' pop-up box. 5. Go to your inbox for the email address enter...

I can't login to the membership portal, help!

You can login to the portal at: If you need to restore your password complete the following proceedure: 1. Go to 2. Click on the green 'ACCESS NOW' button for whichever product you have purchased. This will present a login screen. 3. On the login window, click on the 'Forgot my password' in the lower right hand corner of the screen. 4. Enter the email address your account is registered with us into the...

How do I access The Platinum Audio News Club?

The Platinum Audio News Club is accessed through our secure training portal. You can login to the membership site here:​ ( And login using your email and password sent to your email. Email: [Email] Password: [PASSWORD] Please note that this is a separate portal exclusive only to PANC members, therefore you can't access this portal link within